There's a new con coming up! And of course, we nééd to tell you about it! First the basics: Heroes Dome will be held in the Gelredome in the Netherlands on June 2nd and 3rd in 2018! It's the first time this con will be held. So let us tell you more about it!

Heroes Dome will be a pop culture multi-media convention. The main focus of this convention is:
- Diversity (There will be any things to see, do and buy)
- Be your hero
- Meet your heroes.
They want to make the event the biggest adventure possible. Well, that already sounds good, doesn't it? They describe their plans on their website:
"We will address a new branch in the entertainment spectrum each ‘episode’, which we will celebrate, market and organize accordingly. We aim to have each party involved to remember this weekend with a glowing smile! So for the most fun per square meter, keep watching for new announcements!We will address a new branch in the entertainment spectrum each ‘episode’, which we will celebrate, market and organize accordingly. We aim to have each party involved to remember this weekend with a glowing smile! So for the most fun per square meter, keep watching for new announcements!"
Meet your heroes
There will be a lot to do at Heroes Dome! As you all know, we're big horror fans. So we would definitely visit the the dark zone. Are you more into art? Meet your heroes at the Art Zone. You can also meet your movie heroes. Heroes Dome has already announced some pretty great guests!
Ryan Brown, Patrick Cornelis, and Adam Brown will be attending Heroes Dome. Ryan Brown has worked on comic books, board games, video games, concept art, and album covers. You might know him for being involved in projects like Judge Dredd, Ninja Turtles, Jacked and more! Patrick Cornelis is known for the graphic novel ‘Virus: primary infection’. And Adam Brown has worked for a lot of influential companies: Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and more! Recently he has worked on Judge Dredd, the Justice League and more.
We're always excited to see which actors will be attending a convention. Heroes Dome has already announced 2 actors: Sarah Giercksky and Lew Temple! Sarah is known for the 2017 Indie Horror movie Sargad. She plays the role of Elina. She also wrote the screenplay and did some of the SFX. We're excited that Lew Temple has been announced as a guest! I know Lew mainly for his roles in the Rob Zombie movies the Devil's Rejects (= My favorite movie!), Halloween and 31. I also know him as Axel in the Walking Dead. You might also know him for Unstoppable, Lawless, Trailer Park of Terror, Domino and more! We met him last year and he's such an awesome guy. If you visit Heroes Dome we do recommend having a chat with Lew! Check out our video of us meeting him last year below. (Or read our article about meeting him).
Be your own hero!
You can be your own hero at Heroes Dome. There's a special sports section in the Heroes Dome. There will be workshops in Kickboxing and MMA. Selfdefence4All will give demonstrations for young and old. A healthy lifestyle is important and this demonstration will boost your self-confidence!
They have also invited team Paraluna cosplay to show you how you can also express the image of your own favorite hero in real life! Cosplayers: Keep an eye on this convention. More news will follow and we'll keep you updated.
Heroes Dome
Of course, there will also be exhibitors. The list will grow. And of course, we already took a look and were excited to see for example Zeno Pictures on the list! And this list will expand! Heroes Dome ha just started so we're curious to find out what else they will add to the program. Tickets are not on sale yet. We'll let you know when they are!
Write a comment
Nancy (Saturday, 16 December 2017 14:35)
This sounds like a fun event to attend. As an interactive convention visitor, I´d be interested in being my own hero :-) and curious about team Paraluna cosplay showing us how to express the image of my favorite hero in real life. Cool idea to include this. Have fun.