Enzo G. Castellari

Enzo G. Castellari talking with a fan at Weekend of Hell Dortmund Fall Edition 2018
Enzo G. Castellari talking with a fan at Weekend of Hell Dortmund Fall Edition 2018

Name: Enzo Girolami

Date of Birth: July 29, 1939

Place of Birth: Rome, Italy


Mostly known for:



  • Few Dollars for Django (original title: Pochi dollari per Django) (1966) director
  • Renegade Riders (original title: 7 winchester per un massacro) (1967) director/producer/writer
  • Any Gun Can Play (original title: Vado ... lámmazzo e torno) (1967) director/writer
  • Johnny Hamlet (original title: Quella sporca storia nel west) (1969) director/writer
  • Kill Them All and Come Back Alone (original title: Ammazzali tutti e torna solo) (1968) director/writer
  • Eagles over London (original title: La battaglia d'Inghilterra) (1969) director/writer
  • High Crime (original title: La polizia incrimina la legge assolve) (1973) director/writer
  • Street Law (original title: Il cittadino si ribella) (1974) director
  • Keoma (1976) director/writer
  • The Big Racket (original title: Il Grande Racket) (1976) director/writer
  • The Heroin Busters (original title: La Via della droga) (1977) director/writer
  • The Inglorious Bastards (original title: Quel maledetto treno blindato) (1977) director
  • Day of the Cobra (original title: Il giorno del Cobra) (1980) director
  • 1990: The Bronx Warriors (original title: 1990: I guerrieri del Bronx) (1982) director/writer 
  • Light Blast (original title: Colpi de luce) (1985) director/writer
  • Sinbad of the Seven Seas (1989) director


Weekend of Hell Dortmund Fall Edition 2018, Dortmund, Germany



We only saw Enzo Castellari at his signing table. 



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