Carola: It's a long time ago since we wrote a "meeting... X" article. We always love writing these articles and it brings back a lot of memories. Covid-19 also put a stop to this writing, even though there are still quite some meetings we haven't told you about. Now 2021 has started and we feel like it's time to pick this up again. Of course we hope that we can make some new Comic Con memories this year, but for now, we are just going to enjoy looking back on one of the Comic Cons we were still able to attend in 2020: Comic Con Brussels. Liv: Ahh man, I miss going to Comic Cons and that feeling we have when we are there for the wekkend. That feeling that you are in a completely different world, a world where everyone loves the same things you love and where you can be yourself...completely. I really miss that moment that you are so hyped up, that you can't control yourself. And yeah... I even miss queueing....So let's go back to February 2020, Comic Con Brussels at Tours&Taxis in Brussels, Belgium.
Carice van Houten
Carola: We were so excited (excited is an understatement!) when we heard Carice van Houten would be a guest at Comic Con Brussels. We were hoping to see her at a con for a while already. Carice is a Dutch actress and we have seen quite some movies and series starring Carice. Many of you might now Carice as Melissandre in Game of Thrones. She plays an awesome role there and I loved seeing her chracter grow and develop in the series. I was a big fan of Melissandre!
Next to that, we also know Carice for a lot of Dutch movies like "Instinct", "Komt een Vrouw bij de Dokter", "Alles is Familie", "Alles is Liefde", "Zwartboek" and much more. I think Carice is an awesome actress and I love her sense of humor. I mean, just check out her Instagram name: Leavecaricealone. Love it hahahaha. So you can imagine I was so excited (excited is an understatement) to be able to meet her. I always enjoy meeting Dutch actors/ actresses, but it's no guarantee for success haha. Meaning: I never know what to say, even when I can speak my native language. (Read for example our story about meeting Rutger Hauer).
Carice had been announced as a guest a few years ago for Comic Con Amsterdam, but we weren't able to go due to circumstances. SO we felt extra lucky we got another chance in Brussels and now we were able to go!
Liv: Exactly, Carice is one of the best Dutch actresses ever and she already played a lot of great roles. I couldn't wait to meet her!
Comic Con Brussels
And then there was the day we would go to Comic Con Brussels. Oh boy, Liv and I were excited! (And excited really is an understatement). The comic con had an amazing guest list! We would not only meet Carice that day, but also Holly Marie Combs and Khary Payton. Seth Gilliam was also a guest. We had met hem before at several comic cons. We went by train to Brussels and had a lot of fun thinking about comic con again (Okay, and maybe a bit stress too: We had a tight schedule and we're always a bit nervous!). Liv: I was so happy to get that comic con feeling again. Sure it's not fun to get up that early and get on your bike to go to the trainstation, but from the moment we get in the train I forget all of that and get in the comic con vibe, which of course means buzzing with excitement.
Carola: Comic Con Brussels was our first comic con of 2021 and we were still thinking many more would follow that year. When we arrived in Brussels, we were so ready! But Comic Con Brussels wasn't ready for us yet. There was a big queue! Seriously. One we don't even see a lot when going to comic cons. We often attend comic cons, but the waiting time in Brussels was quite unique. People were jumping the queue everywhere, making that people like us, needed to wait for over 1,5 hour to get in. You can imagine our faces hahahaha (Just check the third photo above). But when we finally got in, we threw all this overboard. We only had one day!!! GO GO GO. Liv: Oh yes that was when everything was still normal and we thought we were going to break our Comic Con record in 2020...little did we know. The queue was enormous and there was a lot of confusion abut where to join the queue, but when we finally found out where it was suddenly clear that this was going to be a long wait. Well, if there's one thing I hate it's waiting. Especially when there are a lot of people that think they are the only ones there and start jumping the line...that really gets to me, we are all there for the same thing and we all want to get in...But hey, eventually we were in and we were soooo ready!
Meeting Carice van Houten
Carola: We had bought a photo op in advance, because we were certain we didn't want to miss this opportunity. We were so excited to queue for the photo op. We couldn't wait and as always we were super nervous. And we were talking a lot. Making each other even more nervous. We are always discussing photo op poses and things we want to say. Of course at a photo op there isn't a lot of time to chat, but you can still say something. At least, if we're able. Sometimes the words just don't come out of my mouth hahaha.
The photo op queue was, I believe, not that long (at least no in my memory). Liv, correct me if I'm wrong haha. Liv: Compared to the queue we had been in earlier that day, this was a walk in the park! Carola: Then came the moment we met Carice van Houten. We stepped in, and I was just repeating in my head "Say something in Dutch! You can speak in Dutch. Say something!". So.... I said something. I blurted out "Wat leuk dat je er bent!" (How nice that you are here). And now, this is still a thing hahah. We still say it sometimes when we see each other or someone else. Carice reacted very nice and said she was happy to be there. We were so happy to see her and excited to get the photo. I think you can it when you look at the picture! Liv: Oh yes, that was hilarious. We laughed so hard when we got out of the photo booth. I had a moment like that when we met Holly Marie Combs that same day and when something like that happens, all you can do is laugh about it. It was great to meet the living legend that is Carice van Houten and I'm so happy that we got this chance!

It was great to meet Carice and I really hope to see her again some time at a comic con. Next time I would definitely go for an autograph and a bit longer chat hahahaha.
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