David Della Rocco

David Della Rocco (The Boondock Saints) on stage at Weekend of Hell Oberhausen 2016 in Germany
David Della Rocco during on stage at Weekend of Hell Oberhausen 2016

Name: David Dale Della Rocco

Date of Birth: May 4, 1952

Place of Birth: Norwich, Connecticut, United States


Mostly known for:

  • The Boondock Saints (1999) as Rocco
  • The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009) as Rocco


- Walker Stalker Con London 2016, London, England, United Kingdom

- Weekend of Hell Oberhausen Fall Edition 2016, Oberhausen, Germany 



We attended the "The Boondock Saints" panel with David and Sean Patrick Flanery at Weekend of Hell 2016. At Walker Stalker we only saw him sitting on stage, when we were in line for a photo op.



Please do not use any of our material without our permission.

Walker Stalker London 2016 - Panel

Weekend of Hell 2016 - Panel