Today I was watching some movies & series again and in our inbox I also noticed an email about a short film called "Reina". I decided to watch it today and write about it. The film kicks off with Seth (Sergio Castillo) and Michelle (Kat Peña) going on a date. They're in a restaurant having a drink and Seth keeps on talking about Reina. He can't stop talking about her, about how much he misses her. Michelle, clearly frustrated, tries to show some empathy but eventually just wants to leave. Well, who would love to go on a date with a guy who keeps rumbling about another girl?

Seth suddenly realizes what he's doing and apologizes. He promises not to talk about Reina again, as long as Michelle agrees to another drink. But then their date takes a turn and they get into trouble. Their only way out might be Reina..
The story of "Reina", was very surprising for me! It was in no way what I had expected. I love surprises and twists and turns in movies, so this is a good thing. I won't go into what happens after Seth asks for another drink, that's really something you have to see for yourself. I'll just say that I like the originality and the humor. Some things are a bit over the top, but it fits well in this film. "Reina" is a funny and surprising film, definitely worth the time to watch it. It takes about 15 minutes.

I think Kat Peña is doing a great job in this movie. Especially during those over the top moments, she could pull a face which fits the situation so well. I could totally understand how she felt. She was the sanity in everything that happened.
If you watch the film, keep watching it till the end. Also watch the credits! I like how the credits are done, with just seeing a little bit more of the actors, but the last quote is also definitely worth being seen! For a short film, a lot happens and the characters get enough depth. Halfway I was wondering what else to expect, but the film definitely succeeded to surprise me!
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