Last weekend Carola and I went to Bloody Night Con Europe 2018, which is a convention about "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals". One of the guests at the convention was Candice King (née Accola), who plays the role of Caroline Forbes in both series. During the weekend Candice talked about her new project, called "Collective Journeys". In this short article we will tell you more about this project and hopefully it will inspire you to contribute to this great cause.

Collective Journeys came to life, because of Candice's desire to give a spotlight to the smaller charities, that make big impact on their communities. In her panel she said that even though everyone wants to save the world, sometimes you just have to look around in your own communities and support the smaller local charities. Through Collective Journeys Xandice wants to create awareness and give back to the people behind these good causes, that do amazing work with limited fundings. To do this Candice is closely involved with the designing of a bracelet that stands for the cause she is supporting that month. By buying the bracelet or gifting it to a friend or family member, you can join the cause. A portion of the earnings will go to the selected charity of that month.
At Bloody Night Con Europe Candice talked about her new project and the charities that were chosen for the first two months: "Harvest Home" and "Project Q":
To celebrate the launch of "Collective Journeys", you can find a May/June Launch Exclusive offer on the website. This offer includes not only the June bracelet (which supports "ProjectQ"), but also the May Bracelet (which supports "Harvest Home") for the special price of €25,59 ($30, £22,58). Carola and I both ordered these bracelets and we hope we can inspire you to do the same!
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